Bioanalytical Research

Bioanalytical Research Group

Curriculum Vitae

Borne: June 20, 1962 in Edinburgh, United Kingdom 

Country of Citizenship: Germany 


    1981 - 90 

        University of Münster, Germany - Studies in Edinburgh, Cambridge (UK) and Paris 

            Mathematics: Vordiplom 

            Physics: Diploma

                "Quantification of Static Organic Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry - The Determination of the Cholesterol 

                Concentration in Human Plasma”, supervisor: Prof. A.Benninghoven, 

                Investigation of the electrospray process and formulation of the nano-electrospray theory, 

            Medicine: Final exam 


        Fellowship of the "Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes" for Physics and Medicine (elite fellowship for German



        MD - Medical thesis, Department of Radiology, Münster 

            "The Interference of Radiotherapy in Programmable Pacemakers", supervisor: Prof. J. Schütz 

Academic Appointments 

   Oct - Dec 91 

        Research assistant in the Department of Physics, Münster 

    Jan - May 92 

        Research assistant in the Department of Pharmacology, University of Düsseldorf, Germany

    June 92 - 96 

        PhD - Doctoral thesis in physics, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg, Germany 

            "The NanoElectrospray Ion Source - Theory and Application” supervisors: Dr. Matthias Mann and Prof. A. 


    1996 - 98 

        Post-doc, EMBL, Biochemical Instrumentation, Mass Spectrometry 

    1998 - Jan 2008 

        Group leader, EMBL, Biochemical Instrumentation

     Feb 2008 - present 

    Professor for Bioanalytics at the UCD-Conway Institute of Biomolecular and Biomedical Research,Dublin, Ireland 

    2010 - 2016 

       Visiting scientist, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics (Prof. W. Kühlbrandt) and successful generation of large 

       bio-membranes including proteins from gas phase using nano-electrospray 



        Award of the University of Münster for the excellence of the medical thesis 


        International Journal Student Paper Award for the best publication of the year in the “International Journal of Mass

        Spectrometry and Ion Processes” 


        Richtzenhain - Award of the “Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum” (DKFZ) 


        Edman Award (together with Dr. Matthias Mann and Dr. John Yates) presented in Greece at the biannual Conference of 

        “Methods in Protein Structure Analysis” 


        Applied-Biosystems-Life-Science-Award presented at the German Mass Spectrometry Conference in Bremen

Academic Assignments 

    Member of the Editorial Board of Proteomics 

    2000 - 2007 Member of the Board of the "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Proteomic Research" (DGPF)

    2008 - 2021 First member than head of the scientific advisory board of the Institute for Analytical Sciences (ISAS)


Educational Contributions 

    Postdoctoral fellows 

        Angela Bachi (1998 - 2000), Saravanan Ponnusamy (1998 - 2002), Gitte Neubauer (1998 - 

        2000), Sandrine Uttenweiler (2000 - 2002), Jürgen Kast (1999 - 2001), Ricarda Niggeweg 

        (2002 - 2004) 

    Graduate students 

        Thomas Köcher (2000 - 2003), Daniel Forler (2002 - 2005), Sven Fraterman (2004 - 2007)

Most Significant Work